PCS is the only independent/conflict-free recordkeeper offering the complete suite of reports that help you wholly manage a retirement plan. Our comprehensive list of automated and on-demand reports offer details to plan transactions – all while offering a 360o degree look at the activity and transactions surrounding a Plan. Explore the complete suite of reports below.
This report summarizes your participant’s accounts, including name, Social Security Number, beginning balance, gains/losses, contributions, withdrawals, fees, loan payments, transfers, forfeitures, and ending balance. Cash Basis uses an accrual accounting methodology.
This report contains the Plan’s full year census and contribution information, including participant Social Security number, full name, date of birth, date of hire, termination date, and rehire date (if applicable) plus contributions. It is inclusive of the Plan’s final payroll for the year.
This report is the annual participant disclosure required under ERISA § 404(a)(5) (if applicable).
This suite of reports includes Source Reconciliation showing forfeiture in suspense and cash totals, participant Register Report, Loan Summary Report, Forfeiture Summary and Detail reports in one package.
This report contains contributions, distributions and ending balance for each Plan investment. It also shows a participant count for each investment. The first section breaks down by individual funds and models offered in the Plan. The second section breaks down by funds in the Plan.
This report is a summary of Plan activity. It includes beginning balance, ending balance, vested balance, and average participant balance.
This highly useful summary includes participant names, source, fund, opening balance, gains/loss, fees, contributions, withdrawals, transfers, forfeitures and closing balance. Also reported are statement register totals by fund and source, Plan totals, and forfeiture account balances.
This report is part of our audit package. The data is listed at the Plan level by source, and includes prior balance, gains/losses, contributions, withdrawals, transfer, forfeitures, and ending balance.
This report allows TPAs that use the ASC Defined Contribution/401(k) System (ASC) to download transaction history from the PCS website in a format appropriate for year-end administration without any manual manipulation.
This report summarizes your participant’s accounts, including name, Social Security number, beginning balance, gains/losses, contributions, withdrawals, fees, loan payments, transfers, forfeitures, and ending balance. The information is organized by participant, by source.
This report summarizes all your participant’s accounts, beginning balances, gains/losses, contributions, withdrawals, fees, loan payments, transfers, forfeitures, and ending balance. The information is organized by investment.
This report summarizes each participant’s account, including name, Social Security number, beginning balance, gains/losses, contributions, withdrawals, fees, loan payments, transfers, forfeitures, and ending balance. The information is organized by participant, by investment.
This report gives a list of employees in the Plan with dates, division, employment status, enrollment status, and balance.
This report sets forth those participants for whom compensation and hours have not yet been submitted for the year.
Lists participants who do not have an email address in the system.
This report shows terminated participants who still have a balance in the Plan.
This report lists the total amount of each contribution by payroll date, and source. There are two reports of its kind – one for participants and one for the Plan.
This report includes participant name, and employee pre-tax and Roth contributions.
This report informs you of participants eligible for catch-up contributions (who are or will reach age 50 this year) and provides participant name, Social Security Number, employment status, termination date, birth date, and date eligible for catch-up.
This new report tracks all of your Plan’s payroll changes in one place, including hardship suspensions, new loans, final loan payments, loans fully paid, contribution changes, automatic contribution acceleration, and automatic enrollment.
Details those participants who reached age 70-1/2 and the closing balance used to calculate RMDs.
This report provides detail by source for distributions taken by participants, and includes related fees and forfeitures.
Breaks down forfeiture accounts by division, then by investment. This report lists beginning balance, participant forfeitures, reallocated forfeitures, gains/losses/ adjustments/transfers, and ending balance.
This report shows the loan beginning balance, new loans, any loans deemed as distributed, total payments, total interest and closing balance by participant.
A comprehensive report of all participants in the Plan. The data includes vested balance and vested percentage, listed by source type. The report also includes termination date (if applicable).
This report shows transactions for the forfeiture suspense account including beginning balance, participant forfeitures by participant, adjustments/transfers, gains/losses and ending balance.
This report shows detail for each active participant loan, including original amount, interest rate, payment amounts and closing amount at year end.